Are you not happy with your single status? How many times have you heard someone say "there is a reason why he's still single" or "why do woman like you is still single". Every time you hear about it, you like to feel your heart sink.

You feel that by being single, there's something wrong with you. It was really uncomfortable.

Perhaps you feel that you are one of a group of people who are less fortunate and you're destined to be single forever.

Maybe because you are too independent, successful, and smart, so many people are reluctant to you. Maybe you terlalub old, or you are a single parent seornag. Maybe you are overweight and you need to find your partner down. Continues to be no reason why you have not found him.

So how do you overcome this condition?
By realizing that there are still a lot of people the same boat with you. Take 5 minutes and see what you should be proud of in yourself and keep yourself tingatkan qualities that will help you discover your true self.

You have strengths, talents, and many other things that are unique to you. Know it and respect yourself. Sanctified yourself to find him in your life! - See more at: # sthash.yGTA4V2E.dpuf

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